Don Pivote

Don Pivote

Monday, October 14, 2013

More Bollocks From the British Media

In case you missed it...

Just another instance of the British media's anti-American soccer bias.  This article by Paul Wilson opens with a tweet from our beloved Roger Bennett, only instead of paying homage to one of the most influential voices in American soccer, Paul Wilson did one to two things:

1) He knows who Roger Bennett is and attempted to big-time Roger


2) He refused to practice any semblance of journalistic procedure and published the article without first examining (mind you, Mr. Wilson was a mere click away from viewing Roger's Twitter profile) the facts.

Regardless, here is some of the best of what ensued on twitter:

This is a textbook (literally, it's in this book) example of the British media on their high horses.  Then, when everything inevitably crumbles come World Cup 2014 (if England qualifies that is), they will howl and scream because England 'invented the game'.  Face it, England are not that strong of a squad, particularly through the center of midfield.  US Soccer is not far in the rear view mirror, and we are closing fast.  Get used to it.

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